Pittsburg County Genealogical and Historical Society, Inc.
E-mail: choctawnationit@sbcglobal.net

41 Civil War Photos






Kathy Taylor Spivey
FaceBook: Indian Territory and Early Oklahoma - People and Places
Jackson McCurtain, Lieutenant Colonel of the First Choctaw Battalion in Oklahoma CSA

Kathy Taylor Spivey
FaceBook: Indian Territory and Early Oklahoma - People and Places
George W. Brewer was born in the “old” Cherokee Nation, east of the Mississippi, and relocated to the Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory (now Oklahoma). Brewer served as a captain in the 2nd Cherokee Mounted Volunteers, under the command of Colonel William P. Adair. Brewer and the regiment fought at the Battle of Honey Springs in Indian Territory.
Brewer died in 1868.

Kathy Taylor Spivey
FaceBook: Indian Territory and Early Oklahoma - People and Places
Stand Watie was born on December 12, 1806, in Oothcloga (near present day Rome, Georgia). Degadoga, or “He Stands,” was given the name Isaac S. Watie by his parents; he later dropped his Christian name and became known as Stand Watie. At age twenty-two he acquired a license to practice law and procured a job as clerk of the Cherokee Supreme Court.
During the secession crisis in the Indian Territory, Watie organized a secret group of supporters of Southern rights known as the Knights of the Golden Circle. At the start of the Civil War, his followers actively worked to bring the Cherokee tribe into the Confederate camp. On July 12, 1861, Watie received a colonel’s commission in the Confederate army. He raised a regiment of 300 mixed bloods and proceeded toward the northeastern border with Kansas to guard against a possible Federal invasion. On October 7, 1861, Watie’s regiment was mustered into the Confederate military service as the Cherokee Mounted Rifles.
Watie’s regiment preformed relatively well at the Battle of Pea Ridge on March 7-8, 1862. After Pea Ridge, the Cherokee officer and his regiment participated in numerous conventional battles and skirmishes with Federal troops. On May 6, 1864, Watie was promoted to brigadier general, the only Native American to hold that rank in the Confederate army.
Perhaps Watie’s greatest military accomplishments occurred in the summer and fall of 1864. On June 15, 1864, Watie captured the Federal steamboat J. R. Williams on the Arkansas River, loaded with $100,000 worth of supplies; on September 19, 1864, at the Second Battle of Cabin Creek, Watie and his men captured a 300 wagon Federal supply train containing $1.5 million worth of supplies.
General Stand Watie finally surrendered his command on June 23, 1865, becoming the last Confederate general to capitulate. He died on September 9, 1871.

Kathy Taylor Spivey
FaceBook: Indian Territory and Early Oklahoma - People and Places
Daniel McIntosh was born in Georgia on September 20, 1822; his family moved to Indian Territory (Oklahoma) in 1828. When the Civil War started, he organized and served as colonel of the 1st Creek Mounted Volunteers, later known as the 1st Creek Cavalry Regiment; eight members of his family served in the regiment. The 1st was one of General Stand Watie’s units, and fought at Pea Ridge, Old Fort Wayne, Honey Springs, and Cabin Creek. The regiment, along with the other units of General Watie’s command, did not surrender until June 23, 1865.
After the war, McIntosh returned to the Indian Territory, where he became a successful farmer, stockman and land owner; during his lifetime he held every position in the Creek Nation except Principal Chief.
McIntosh died at his farm in Fame, McIntosh County, Oklahoma, on April 10, 1896, and is buried in the Fame Cemetery, not far from his farm.
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Last Update: November 20, 2016 3:24 PM
Copyright© 2014 by Pittsburg County Genealogical and Historical Society, Inc. - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
113 East Carl Albert Parkway; McAlester, Oklahoma 74501-5039; Phone: 918-426-0388